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Private Debt

Private Debt is a key strategy in our offer as we have great origination capabilities, thanks to our access to the Santander network, and an experienced team in this type of asset.

Banco Santander's extensive network gives us access to a wide range of companies and SMEs in LatAm and Europe that allow us to find investment opportunities.

Our Private Debt strategy consists of Trade Finance (Large Caps Trade Finance and Working Capital) and Direct Lending.

We have access to the know-how of Santander, one of Europe's 4* largest banks, backed by more than 150 years of experience in trade finance, where it is an acknowledged world leader**.

Trade finance is currently an important component of companies' short-term operations and is a component of their finance suite.

This strategy gives investors access to a liquid alternative investment opportunity that pursues positive returns.

* Europe's 50 largest banks by assets, 2023. S&P Global Market Intelligence.
** Ranked Best Trade Finance Bank by Trade Finance Global and Best Trade Finance Provider by Global Finance.

Trade Finance

Santander Trade Finance

The strategy allows investors to access a highly liquid investment opportunity in the international trade finance space, through two funds, one focused on EUR denominated assets and the other on USD denominated assets.

The strategy seeks to generate stable, uncorrelated returns that are attractive when compared to comparable risk by investing in working capital facilities and other forms of short-term lending in the highest yielding markets for small and medium-sized enterprises.

Our funds aim to offer an excellent alternative to manage short-term liquidity requirements with a view to providing solid returns by financing the global economy's working capital flows.

Working Capital

Global Working Capital

Managing short-term liquidity and targeting robust returns by financing working capital in the global economy.

We have extensive expertise in financing small and medium-sized enterprises in Europe.

We offer companies an alternative to conventional bank financing while giving our investors access to an asset class that represents a source of diversification from conventional assets.

Direct Lending

Asset Finance Opportunities

A fund focused on diversified portfolio of real asset-backed financing with a European bias.

Santander Alternative Leasing

An opportunity for investors to access the industrial machinery and equipment sales and leasing market, with a focus on the SME sector in Iberia.